Monday, September 22, 2008

Mark 4: The Sowers & the Grower

Mark 4, vs. 26-41

After spending a good portion of the chapter talking about sowing seeds, Jesus takes some time to talk about how the seeds grow. I think he is saying in verses 26-32 that even though we must sow, it is Him who gives growth. What an encouragement to know that He has the power to take the very smallest of our seeds and grow it into one of the largest trees.

I also think that besides being a simple demonstration of Christ's awesome power over nature, vs. 34-40 provide a point in the context of the seed parables. I think Jesus is trying to again tell his disciples, and us, that it is He who has the power to make the seed grow into a tree. His power is no less effective in the hearts of men than it is in nature. Man wonders at how seeds become trees, just as the disciples wondered at his rebuke of the storm. Take time to wonder at the most awesome power of Christ that has brought about the growth in you from whatever seeds were planted.

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