Friday, August 29, 2008

...And this time, I mean it

I remember a big metallic sign my father used to have in his garage that read "A failure to plan is a plan to fail." Turns out that a promise without a plan, then, is a doomed promise. So, now that our family life is returning to a normal scheduled program, I have a plan for updating that should lend to some of the aforementioned consistency in posting.

Specifically, I plan to post on Monday mornings, so I hope you look forward to it as much as I do. For now, let me encourage you to read my last post about the purpose of writing here and whatever else you have time for. See you Monday!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Re-Statement of Purpose

I have heard it said that "someone else has already said it best", and that is turning out to be true in the case of my statement of purpose for this blog. I am still happy with my first post and stick to the scriptural basis for my reasons for writing; that somehow it will contribute to a unity of mind and purpose in the Body of Christ, and that whoever reads will engage with me and each other here to grow in Christ together.

Having said that, I was greatly encouraged and inspired yesterday when I opened July's Today in the Word and read the "From the Editors" section, which highlights Adam Kellogg, writer and associate editor for TTW. The article talks about an essay he wrote over a decade ago in the Moody Bible Institue's student paper, entitled "The Last Word". The quote reads: "I write to communicate. I am trying to take what I know of Christ in my heart and show you how Christ should be working in you. And it always applies, that's the beauty of it." The article goes on to say that when he writes for TTW "it's like bringing the perfect mirror of the Word to his own soul first, finding out where he falls short of God's commandments. It's humbling! He allows the Word of God to show him what to change in his life. And then he invites the readers to the same interaction with the Word of Christ, to the life-changing transformation by His Spirit. And the teaching comes not from Adam's experience or from what he knows, but from the Bible." It then concludes with another quote from Adam: "I can know that I serve Christ with my words....What Christ has shown me and has done for me I deliver from my heart to yours. That is why I write."

This is what I aspire to here. I hope and continue to pray that my writing here will bless you with encouragement and challenge as the Lord encourages and challenges me with His Word; that there is someone out there that needs the same application of the Word as I do, and that it will be brought to bear with the life-transforming power of His Spirit in both our hearts.

So let me invite you again to join me in the persuit of Christ through a deeper understanding of His Word, that our hearts may be renewed and our minds transformed unto the glory of God and the furthering of His Kingdom.

Amen....and Athanatos!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Reading Update, Schedule & Wife's Blog

I keep leaving my Today in the Word at home, so I haven't been going through that so far this month, nor have I been faithful in reading Proverbs. Thankfully, God has been satisfying me with Mark and Jeremiah, so I'm content. I am reading some extra-biblical works that I would like to recommend.

My mother gave me all of the Moody Classic titles for my birthday, (actually what I wanted for once! Way to go, Mom!), and I decided to start with The Confessions of St. Augustine. Just the first chapter is an incredible eye-opener and perspective changer with how I view the world, especially my kids and the modern day "vanities", especially movies. An incredible read so far, and I really look forward to the rest of the book.

I have also recently picked up Tim Keller's The Reason For God. Having not read any apologetics, I am finding this title really helpful for thinking through a witnessing opportunity. It takes apart the major doubts about the Christian faith and then builds a case for belief in it. Again, I haven't read any apologetics, really, but from what I have heard this is a fresh way of looking at the subject. I highly recommend it, especially if you're like me and don't know how to turn someone's expressed doubt about a facet of our faith into a reason to believe.

Obviously, my posting thus far has been pretty sporadic and sparse, so I am trying to decide on a posting schedule now that I have a fair backlog to draw from and keep me consistent. Judging by how long the posts have been, I think I'll keep it to no more than twice a week, more than likely only once. Stay tuned.

Lastly, my wife has decided to start a blog called Begone Unbelief. Don't bother going there, the one that exists hasn't been updated in something like a year, and she hasn't started hers yet. I'll link to it when she does. Hers will be more of a journal than mine, and is sure to be brutally honest. Stay tuned for that as well.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mark 3, part 1: The True Sabbath

Mark 2:23-3:6

Jesus tells us two things about the sabbath here: 1) It is "for man". The sabbath is set aside so that we may pluck the grain of the week, (a metaphor I'd like to grow in my understanding of), as the disciples did, and eat the bread of the presence, as David did. (see 1 Samuel 21:1-6, referenced in 2:25-26). It is not set aside for the observance of empty religious practices or for simple slumber. 2) It is a day set aside to "do good" and "save life". The Lord Of The Sabbath healed, served and ministered on the sabbath to set the example for us. Neither I nor anyone I know, (that I know of), follows it. I can think of a few reasons why.

The biggest reasons in my heart are disregard and laziness. Or rather, disregard due to laziness. I think I understand what the sabbath is for, but I lack the motivation to act on it. Combine that lack with the thought that acting would require interaction with those I have mentioned before as the objects of my sinful pride, and I get completely apathetic for the heart issues I would have to deal with in the obedience of my Lord. How pitiful. There is another disregard that could come from ignorance, which is where I used to be. The sabbath in my former understanding was just a day to slack off, sleep, play video games, etc. As long as the activity excluded real physical effort, travel or spending money, it was just fine. Not only did I not know what the true sabbath was, I didn't care to know. I was having too much fun! The third reason can appear far more sanctified than laziness or ignorance, (and I think this is what the eating of the grain is getting at), but is no less a failure to follow Christ's example, and that is introversion; the self-reflective evaluation of the week that is all well and good in itself, but could be well enough left to it's own time slot, or perhaps moved to the previous evening. The healing of the man with the withered hand seems to take precedence with Christ in our text, and I think the serving of others is what should be taking precedence with us. I don't think our Savior could be correctly labeled as an introvert, and to be honest, I don't think you could correctly label an introverted Christian as a fruitful one, at least in the measure of inflection some commit to on this day to heal and do good.

The applications here I think are obvious. There is no shortage of people who need our service on the weekly basis our sabbath provides. Post-Church activites like shopping, chores, sleep, entertainment, or even things like "family time" or prayer and reflection are, I think, failures to fulfill what the day was meant for. (And, by the way, I am guilty of all of them!) It is also obvious how this fits into the theme of compassion that God is bringing again to the fore of my heart. Not only does the sabbath provide an outlet for compassion, it provides a means to increased obedience to God's command to remember it, keeping it holy, as well as to follow Christ in it.

I pray that God will help me find creative ways to lead my family in following Christ on the sabbath, and in doing so drastically renew my mind and transform my heart towards those we serve. I pray that I will meet people or discover people that I already know who are living in obedience to Christ on the sabbath, both for my inspiration and their encouragement. I also pray that my church in Kenosha and the Church in America will discover the true sabbath, and in discovering that their hearts would burn in them to live it every Sunday. I pray all these things that God may be pleased with my family, my church, and His saints in my country, and that those we serve might see our good works and praise Him, and come to the knowledge of Him who is really doing the serving. Lord, may it be so.

Other Thoughts:
It is no coincidence that the pharisees begin planning "how to destroy [Christ]" immediately after he asks them, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?" The answer is obvious, yet they go on to plot His death, "to kill" Him, as it were, on the sabbath. Quite a strong way for Mark to make the point of where the pharisees stand before God.

Some of my thoughts here are borrowed from Truth for Life, Alistair Begg's radio ministry broadcast. He did a series on the Sabbath in February/March of this year. I recommend making his broadcast a daily listen.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mark 2: "Your sins are forgiven."

Mark 2:1-22

Jesus makes a powerful entrance in chapter 1 of Mark's gospel, but no explanation is offered for his use of power, or where it is from. We are told of voices from Heaven, angels ministering to, and demons recognizing Christ, but aren't really told why. I think chapter 2 begins to answer some questions about who Jesus is and why he has come, specifically providing the "what", the "who" and the "how" of his ministry.

Jesus shows the reason for the use of his power in the healing of the paralytic in verses 1-12. It's a familiar story that I have heard grossly mis-taught as a motivational speech for getting through difficulty to arrive at the reward Christ has for you, and turned into a prosperity gospel. Wrong! Christ did not come so that we could struggle our way to Him so that He can give us what we want. Christ came to forgive sins. Freely, powerfully, without cost and what's more, without even asking Him to! The healing of this man was an illustration, a metaphor, a glimpse at His power over the spiritual through a display of His power over the physical. "that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"! All the power that was displayed in chapter 1, in the healing of this man, and in all his miracles is but a shadow of the real display of power He was anticipating in his death and resurrection; that is, the power to conquer sin and death so that we can be free of it! Hallelujah!

It just so happens that this chapter is full of questions from the pharisees and their ilk. In fact, almost all of Christ's speech here is in response to their questions or attitudes. These are the men who thought all their ducks were in a row; who made livings of not only obeying and enforcing the Law, but even adding to it to make sure it remained pure and holy unto God. Certainly this profession must have begun with noble intent, but in Christ's day it had become an office of pride, oppression, politics and greed. Jesus turns their pride on it's head when He informs them of who it is he came to forgive in verse 17. It is sinners he came to save. In essence I think Jesus is telling the pharisees to mind their own business; they think they're well, let them go on thinking so. He has a job to do, and it isn't for them. It's for the poor, the prostitute, the demon-possessed, the blind, the leper and the lame. Those the pharisees, and how many of us today, would shun and call cursed by God.

I mention "us" because I know this is what is often in my heart. I would much rather remain aloof from those Christ has called me to serve, away from all that I perceive as being wrong with them and being proud of my own salvation. The old nature in my heart is poisoning my witness to those my Lord is most concerned with me sharing it with. God help me, and us all, to put it to death!

I think there are two parts to this answer. First, Christ makes an indirect claim to Godship when He does not deny the claim of the scribes that only God can forgive sins. (vs. 5-11) This explains the authority portion of the "how" question. He came to forgive sins because, frankly, and as we already discussed, He can! However, Jesus could not accomplish his mission in it's entirety just by being present on earth as God in the flesh. Jesus makes the first mention of his coming death in Mark's account in verse 20 of our text. Unless my lack of understanding of verses 21-22 prevents me from seeing it, He does not explain the fullness of forgiveness his death will accomplish for all mankind, nor the new life that he will give in his resurrection, but he does at least mention the "how". He will accomplish all he came to do nailed to a tree, dying the death we all deserve so that we won't have to. Praise His great, holy and worthy Name.

Other Thoughts:
Please help me understand verses 21-22. I think I have heard them explained before, but I've forgotten what the illustration is getting at.

I do not mean to eliminate the possibility of metaphor in the account of the paralytic. Yes, there can be difficulty in coming, or bringing some one else, to Christ. A ceiling to dig through, so to speak. And we all have our ailments to be freed from and a mat to carry when Christ saves us. Those things are not the point Mark is making, though. They are the facts of the context in which the bigger picture of Christ's power and sovereignty to save is displayed, and that is what I think should capture our hearts in this story. Having said that, the part of the context that most catches my attention is that the man never asked anything of Jesus, and we are told nothing of his faith. I wonder if he expected anything at all from Christ, and take "their" faith to be the faith of his friends. Yet Christ chose, in his compassion and unfathomable grace, to do what was until then unheard of. Sins forgiven!? What could have possibly entered the paralytics mind then, to say nothing of his heart? Who is this man? I love this picture of the grace of Christ, the call to himself He gives to all.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Matthew 20: Do you begrudge my generosity?"

Matthew 20

In the most recent opportunities I have had to share the Gospel with someone, the response has been the same: "I just can't believe that no matter what someone has done, all they have to do is believe in Jesus and they are forgiven and go to Heaven." More or less, they are saying that they are better than those "big sinners" like Jeffrey Dahmer who have reportedly been redeemed by Christ, and that only good people like them should go to Heaven.

I can't hold this view too much against my friends, because I share a similar one in my own heart. It began to be exposed a few weeks ago in a very inspiring conversation over coffee about service to the poor. It amazed me to hear someone speak so passionately about going to the dregs and witnessing to them, mainly because it hardly enters my mind to make eye contact with, or walk on the same side of the street as them. I am showing then that same attitude of superiority, and a worse one in my mind. At least those I witnessed to were separating themselves based on morality; I am simply on economic status!

In both cases, pride of entitlement is the root mentality. My friends think a "good person" should go to Heaven, rather than a redeemed sinner. I think I am too good to be seen speaking with a homeless person, and by extension, that they don't deserve to hear that same witness that my friends think is so foolish. Problem is, who is the more likely to respond? The more "sick" that needs a physician? My friends think they're all good and on their way. Now, to my growing shame, I don't know any homeless or truly materially needy people, but I bet they don't think such things about themselves.

Really though, the more likely responder is beside the point. The point in the case of our text is sovereignty and fairness defined by God. This pride, be it incredulity at God's forgiveness or haughtiness dictating who should hear about it, is a grudge against God's generosity to all He calls to Himself. All things are His, including all men's hearts. Who are we to question what He does with His own possessions?

Looking at it this way, my friends look like the sons of Zebedee (vv. 20-23), asking Jesus to sit them at his right or left as they smirk and scoff at those less deserving. Or in my specific case, I feel like the crowds rebuking the blind men pleading for Jesus to help them (vv. 29-34), and would deny them their salvation for my pride. What foolishness! Is my spirit richer than theirs? Am I more deserving of a wage than they are? I deserve nothing, have nothing, and will forever be nothing apart from the grace that saved me! Curse this flesh with it's pride and fear!

We work in God's vineyard and are doing the work of Christ. Who would he be serving? The wages are his to distribute, the grace is His to give, and I am no one to judge who receives them. God save us all, me especially, from continuing in this pride and fear of man that keeps us from obeying His command to serve and thus save the least of these. I for one need to grow in my understanding of who owns the vineyard and determines every one's wage.

Other Thoughts:
It seems that Jesus condemns the sons of Zebedee, James and John, to be martyred in his rebuke of their request, as referenced above. Yet John lived out his life and (I believe) by all accounts, died at a ripe old age in relative peace. Perhaps this is yet another study in this particular application of our text?

This is the first in a long and still going series of readings, sermons and conversations in which the Spirit has lead me to this theme of serving the poor, the homeless, elderly, widowed, etc. All of which I have always been too proud to go beyond supporting ministries financially in. I see now that this is not nearly enough. Please pray for me, and yourself as well, that He would continue this work and bear it's fruit sooner rather than later.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New header and what I'm reading.

K, so the old header turned out to be a monster. Welcome to Athanatos lite.

I will be posting, obviously, from what I am reading at the moment, so I thought I'd share what that is. As I said before, I have a lot of time on my hands at work, (note the post times), thus my reading plan is a little ambitious.

1) I am using Today in the Word by Moody to get me around a bit. This months is very challenging so far, and last months was just wonderful for what the Spirit led me to using it. I recommend it if you need something to get you regularly in the Word.
2) Some time ago I committed to reading through the Bible. Not in any amount of time, but just to have the goal of reading cover-to-cover, at least one chapter per day. I'm finishing up Isaiah now.
3)After last month's Today in the Word on Matthew, I decided to keep reading through the Gospels, so I'm taking in one chapter per day of Christ's life and teaching. I hope to make this habit permanent.
4)A good friend turned me on to reading a Proverb a day, and my wife is doing so for her devotions. Besides, if you have a better idea for a monthly reading plan, (there being 31 chapters of Proverbs), I'd love to hear it! K.I.S.S.!

I do have a little bit of a backlog in my journal, so my posts will be a little behind where I actually am in my reading. I think this will be beneficial for my own reflections and memory, as well as for you, since things will be more fleshed (or should I say Spirited?) out by the time they get here.

K, so now you know how this will work. My first "real" post is just below this one, so read on and I pray you will be blessed by it!


Matthew 16-17: "The sons are free"

Matthew 16:13-17:27 covers Peter's confession of Christ, the transfiguration, an exorcism by Christ and his coming to Capernaum. Each of these is accompanied by a rebuke or reproof of either all the disciples or Peter in particular. In the case of the transfiguration, the poor guy just doesn't get it, thinking Moses and Elijah would actually be served by having a tent to sleep in! The thrust in my heart as I read this passage is in it's conclusion, beginning with 17:24.

After Peter's confession and hearing directly from God the Father that Jesus is his beloved son, Jesus finally claims his sonship with a question concerning the temple tax. At first it appears that Peter is just receiving yet another correction from Christ. Peter had told the tax collector that Jesus would pay the half-shekel tax, the fee for coming to the temple, but Jesus had another idea of who the king of the temple was. In verse 25 he asks Peter if earthly kings tax their sons or others. After giving the obvious answer, Jesus tells him that he, being a son of the king as Peter himself confessed, will not be paying the tax. This is where I love to envision Peter, likely realizing again his mistake and maybe muttering a lowly response of "yes, rabbi" as he begins to wonder how to deal with the tax collector. But Jesus in his soverignty already has a solution. He tells Peter to go catch a fish, and it will have a shekel in it's mouth. Here I envision Peter looking relieved and grateful, but he had yet to hear the best part. As Jesus completes his instructions to Peter, he tells him to "take it to them for me and for yourself."

Peter looks at his master with a little confusion at this and thinks: "Wait now. "The sons are free..."" Something tells me that Peter, or perhaps anyone else at that point, had never considered himself a son of God. Yet here was his master, "The Christ, the Son of the living God", including Peter with him in his illustration of sonship. What a revelation for Peter! The one who confessed Christ as God's son, now being confirmed by Christ as a son also with him! What joy and wonder must have filled him at the realization of what he had just been told as he cought that fish and paid that earthly tax with his heavenly Father's money.

The sons are free!

Now honestly, I've been too cought up in thinking about Peter to precisely apply the principal to my own heart. There are a couple of ways I think it could be done, but for now they are too broad to put down in writing. For now I think it's good to keep sharing in Peter's joy, and realize anew that I am a son of God, that I am free, and my "tax" has been paid!

Other thoughts:
This is the second time we have heard "a voice from Heaven" saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Both times, Christ is confessed by man prior to this happening. In John's Gospel, by John the Baptist before he baptises Jesus. In our text, by Peter as mentioned above. And Jesus doesn't make any direct claims to his sonship until after this second confession by Peter and then by the Father. I wonder if there is something to the pattern?

Matthew 16-17 are great parallels for Matthew 21 as preached by Pastor Mike Bullmore of Crossway Community Church on March 16th of this year regarding Christ's duality of being both soverign King and suffering Savior. Have a listen and then find for yourself the passages in these two chapters that identify Jesus as both.


Friday, April 4, 2008

On blogging

"[Be] like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Phil 2:2b-4

Given what I would like to do with this blog, it has been difficult to decide what the first post should look like. I had been trying to decide if I should explain my purposes, or just jump into them without introduction. I don't think either are correct, given those purposes.

Athanatos! No death! I have decided to make this my slogan as a Christian. Not only for the literal aspect of having eternal life in Christ, and therefore will never die, but also for the daily reality of being free from the sins of my flesh that would otherwise cause me to die. In Christ, there is only life. Life that has been enabled by His saving grace. Thankfully, this life is not limited to the hereafter of Heaven, but is lived out in the hearts of ordinary, forgiven people like me every day. Hopefully you are one of them, too. This life is sustained by the knowledge of God as revealed in his word, and by relationship with Him through prayer. Herein lies the purpose of, and my struggle with, this blog.

Thanks to the nature of my job, I have quite a bit of time on my hands. With less consistency than I would like to claim, this time is spent in sustaining my life in Christ. This blog exists so that I might share what the Spirit decides to share with me in that time, so that others may be blessed. Not that I am claiming to be a wise man or scholar, but the Spirit most definitely is, and is infinitely able to bless more than just me with the illumination of the Word. Along with this purpose come two struggles in my heart. First, that my time in the word will turn into a search for things to post here instead of a pursuit of a closer walk with Christ. Just because I am not a wise man or scholar doesn't mean that I don't have the desire to be thought of as one, and the enemy of my soul would love nothing more than to flatter me with those thoughts as I read the Scriptures and write here. Second, that my thoughts will be filled with errors, and at best I am inundated with cruel responses of correction and condemnation, (not to judge you in advance). At worst, I may lead someone astray into a false doctrine for which I will be held accountable before my God and King. In these struggles is where I hope to receive blessings from you in the forms of prayer for protection against the first struggle and sin in general, and gentle correction and guidance in the case of the second. Of course, encouragement is always helpful, as is healthy debate on touchy subjects that I'm sure will come up from time to time.

So I suppose I have explained my purposes, but with more humility than I could have in my flesh alone. Consider this the expression of my desire to be one with you in Christ, united in mind and purpose to obey our King and grow together in the faith, to humbly exhort and challenge you with the Word as I am exhorted and challenged by the Spirit, and to receive your humble corrections, exhortations and challenges likewise. In the course, let's all put aside vain conceit, consider each other better than ourselves, and look to each others interests.

Thanks for reading, and welcome!