Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Re-Statement of Purpose

I have heard it said that "someone else has already said it best", and that is turning out to be true in the case of my statement of purpose for this blog. I am still happy with my first post and stick to the scriptural basis for my reasons for writing; that somehow it will contribute to a unity of mind and purpose in the Body of Christ, and that whoever reads will engage with me and each other here to grow in Christ together.

Having said that, I was greatly encouraged and inspired yesterday when I opened July's Today in the Word and read the "From the Editors" section, which highlights Adam Kellogg, writer and associate editor for TTW. The article talks about an essay he wrote over a decade ago in the Moody Bible Institue's student paper, entitled "The Last Word". The quote reads: "I write to communicate. I am trying to take what I know of Christ in my heart and show you how Christ should be working in you. And it always applies, that's the beauty of it." The article goes on to say that when he writes for TTW "it's like bringing the perfect mirror of the Word to his own soul first, finding out where he falls short of God's commandments. It's humbling! He allows the Word of God to show him what to change in his life. And then he invites the readers to the same interaction with the Word of Christ, to the life-changing transformation by His Spirit. And the teaching comes not from Adam's experience or from what he knows, but from the Bible." It then concludes with another quote from Adam: "I can know that I serve Christ with my words....What Christ has shown me and has done for me I deliver from my heart to yours. That is why I write."

This is what I aspire to here. I hope and continue to pray that my writing here will bless you with encouragement and challenge as the Lord encourages and challenges me with His Word; that there is someone out there that needs the same application of the Word as I do, and that it will be brought to bear with the life-transforming power of His Spirit in both our hearts.

So let me invite you again to join me in the persuit of Christ through a deeper understanding of His Word, that our hearts may be renewed and our minds transformed unto the glory of God and the furthering of His Kingdom.

Amen....and Athanatos!

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